The Seed that Sparks Your Dreams

Don’t overlook the capacity of the Starfish perks and platform. You can take a small view, big view, or a dreamer’s view.

Small view – Use the Starfish app to save money. It’s a no Brainer. It pays for itself immediately if you use it and gives a 400% return on average. When others ask how to save like you, you get a big view member to send them the app.

Big view – You join as a member and for as little as $60 a month you have a full back office. As you save with Starfish you share with your friends. When someone wants to save, you sell them the app and forever earn from their spending. You earn and save enough so that you can keep your job or or leave it, and you are fine either way.

Dreamer’s view – you start with the big view, but realize that once you maximize your income, you can leave your job to be an entrepreneur and build your own business, foundation, non-profit, endowment… whatever.

This world needs entrepreneurs and visionaries who are free from the financial matrix. Once you realize the collaboration between large firms and banks, you will realize your visions are too pure to put in these monsters’ hands. You will be part of building a new parallel economy, free from government and bank corruption.

This may start as a consumer rebellion. But it will grow to an entrepreneur rebellion.

Please contact me on the homepage to share your ideas and questions.

Join the Rebellion