About Us

My name is Stewart Oliver. I am the ownernof ConsumerRebellion.com and an independent owner of andirect sales platform. I am a true believer that our turnkey system can change people’s lives in remarkable ways. But “turnkey” still requires someone to turn that key.

With our team and this system, you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. Like a franchise made to duplicate success. Other systems to duplicate results, whether it be a restaurant, being a realtor, buying into a carwash… the cost is too high. Here you dont have to BE wealthy to generate new wealth.

We are tearing down barriers to success. Its time to get out of the rat race. If you are here, your in the rat race rebellion and you found your mission. A new rebellion. The Consumer Rebellion.

I have this website as a support tool for my team members and as a way to share this opportunity with anyone looking for a team to succeed with. Beyond that, this is a community for direct sales, network marketers, or anyone who uses social media to promote both online and brick and mortar services. If anyone should be credited with you finding this site, please share their name.

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