Dealing with Rejections

If your business relies on creating a sales force, franchising or networking, they you have had this rejection before. When someone thinks promoting and networking to generate income is bad. (more below)

You have a prospect who you know well. You know their talents, and you know they can accel in your network. But here’s the problem – they are still not awoken to thinking about abundance and blessing. They are asleep yet have forgotten how to dream or to think freely. They believe they have insight, yet are only shaped by the daily barrage of senseless media.

So you share with your colleague first the product that your network sells or gives away. They see the value immediately. You then say, “Do you know Ray Kroc didn’t sell hamburgers? No. He sold hamburger producing businesses. And I know that just like he did, you would be incredible promoting our system.”

Your prospect is a smart person, so they ask for information a little at a bit and process that. Then when they realize that creating a networked sales force through any network marketing model, they are immediately turned off. You have invested time and prayers for guidance and you believed this prospect was open minded.

The hardest lesson we face time and again is realizing that those we care about are not unusual. We are the unusual ones. We come from two places. Either we have always been free spirited and seeking, or we used to be blinded by worldly thinking but we had our eyes opened by someone who saw your value.

It is tough watching those people that you see so much potential in trip over their own worldly thinking. You want to free them but you know their eyes are still cloudy. All I can say is to pray and to find the value in that whole experience. There has to be some nugget that you learned.

I recently dealt with this (5/8/2023). I knew that I could not overcome that objection. It is pointless trying to talk through that thinking. You can not win when someone is unable to listen. I didn’t say not willing (you can, I didn’t), but is unable to listen. If you press forward you risk significant damage to the relationship. You can practice and learn acceptance. And it helps to be part of a team as well.

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